Risky Business

The attention focused on corporate governance and professional responsibility within all organisations is at an all time high. This has been driven by the collapse of some well known organisations and the need to visibly be regulating organisations more closely. This has forced risk management and compliance even higher up the agenda of law firms….

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The most cursory flip through this issue will reveal that it devotes many of its pages to disclosure of electronic documents. Not only do we have Terry Harrison’s short article and a lengthy account of the recent report of the Commercial Court Working Party chaired by Mr Justice Cresswell but the article by His Honour…

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In early November 2003, Mark Humphries, Neil Mirchandani and Sanjay Bhandari, members of the Commercial Litigators’ Forum (the CLF), published a working paper dealing with the disclosure of electronic evidence in commercial dispute resolution. The paper can be accessed via the CLF’s Web site, but the main issues addressed in the paper are examined here by Neil Mirchandani….

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LSLA and Bar Report on Technology in the Civil Courts

The Working Group’s report deserves more publicity than it has received, although it is no doubt being taken seriously by those with the power to influence decisions. Some of its recommendations are highlighted below. Electronic Issue of Proceedings and Applications As regards this topic, the Working Group’s recommendations included the following: · “We believe practitioners…

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