Home Working Options and Solutions
Simon Bennett, IT Director at Tarlo Lyons Solicitors, considers the increased demand for flexible working and the implications for IT departments….
Simon Bennett, IT Director at Tarlo Lyons Solicitors, considers the increased demand for flexible working and the implications for IT departments….
Delia Venables attended the series of talks on this topic at the LegalTech Solicitors 2003 Conference at the end of May and has expanded her report to cover the topic in a more general way….
Neil Butler gives his account of the practical application of imaging and document management in a small firm….
Read More… from Using Imaging and Document Management – One Firm’s Experience
Richard Jolly, who works on Information Risk Management for KPMG LLP, discusses the best approach to gaining good practice control over potential “people risks” in new practice management system implementations….
Read More… from People Risks in Practice Management Implementation
Technological developments are often launched amid a barrage of publicity about how they will change our lives. Many fail to live up to the initial hype. The Internet is one technological development which has fully matched (and exceeded) initial expectations. It has fundamentally altered the way in which we do business and is now a core facility used in everyday business life. Jonathan Maas looks at how the Internet has been and is being used to change the way in which legal services are provided and considers how it may change working practices in the future, how it affects lawyer/client relationships and what opportunities it offers for law firms to deliver services more effectively….
Read More… from The Impact of the Internet on the Provision of Legal Services
Adam Edwards reviews the e-mail problem and explains why he thinks Ensure Legal offers one solution….
Chris Knowles of Vrisko asks whether law firms have been seriously over-investing in “Big Technology” knowledge management systems to capture, store and manage their internal knowhow. Are they neglecting systems now available, at a far lower cost, to help them gain more value from their substantial investments in tried and tested legal and business information, from publishers such as Butterworths, Sweet and Maxwell, PLC and LexisNexis?…
Read More… from The Knowledge Management of External Content
Ian Jeffery of Lewis Silkin reviews his favourite computer peripheral….
Law firms around the world are talking about the ‘processization’ and “commoditisation” of legal services. Indeed, many lawyers regard certain legal services as ideal areas of practice for this. Iain Unett formerly a senior lawyer with British Telecommunications Plc and now Product Development Director with Lexfutura, the strategic knowledge and technology hub, discusses the advent of workflow systems…
Read More… from The Advent of Workflow Solutions in Legal Services
Sebastian Rogers of Tikit tells you all you wanted to know about KM….