Privacy – An Evolving Challenge
Andrew Priest gives his thoughts on a talk by Stephen Deadman of the Vodafone Group at a meeting of the Thames Valley Group on 8 June….
Andrew Priest gives his thoughts on a talk by Stephen Deadman of the Vodafone Group at a meeting of the Thames Valley Group on 8 June….
The next SCL Conference, to be held on 14 and 15 October in Bath, focuses on risk and technology, but you are not at risk on one score: the Conference always offers guaranteed value….
The ICO has forced a CCTV web site Internet Eyes to make changes following privacy concerns…
Cynthia O’Donoghue and Nick Tyler review the Article 29 Working Party Opinion 13/2011 on geo-location services on smart mobile devices. They also ask: where do we go from here?…
I found myself thinking the unthinkable today. What if there were no BAILII?…
The European Data Protection Supervisor has adopted an Opinion which is critical of the Data Retention Directive. His evaluation conflicts with that of the EU Commission and suggests that the Directive does not meet privacy and data protection requirements…
Read More… from EDPS Gives Data Retention Directive the Thumbs Down
Digital Opportunity, the report from the review group chaired by Professor Ian Hargreaves, has now been published….
Andrew Horrocks and Benjamin Craven draw lessons from the Media CAT debacle…
The ICO does not seem that bothered about enforcing the new rules on cookies….
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport has now issued its proposals to implement the amendments to the EU Telecoms Framework, including controversial new rules on the use of cookies. These proposals have been followed by new guidance from the Information Commissioner and a further open letter from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Richard Cumbley and Peter Church explain how the new rules suggest a flexible approach to consent (but not yet through the use of browser settings)….