Code of Practice on Data Sharing Launched
A new statutory code of practice designed to help businesses and public sector bodies share people’s personal information appropriately was published by the Information Commissioner’s Office on 11 May….
A new statutory code of practice designed to help businesses and public sector bodies share people’s personal information appropriately was published by the Information Commissioner’s Office on 11 May….
Advice on how UK businesses and organisations can comply with the ‘new EU law on the use of cookies technology’ was published by the Information Commissioner’s Office on 9 May. The relevant regulations and another SI are also now available….
Colin Fowle explains how to use a document management system to improve the visibility of real-world document usage….
The Government revealed on 15 April how changes to the EU rules covering electronic communications will be implemented….
The CPS has decided that it is not appropriate to prosecute BT and Phorm for alleged interception of browsing data…
The European Data Protection Supervisor has published new guidance on data protection and transparency, updating his guidance for good practice by EU institutions…
Read More… from New Transparency Guidance from EDPS for EU Institutions
The EU Commission is engaging in a wide-ranging consultation and information-gathering exercise to help determine its future policy on online gambling…
Cynthia O’Donoghue, Nick Tyler and Katalina Chin report on the SCL Privacy and Data Protection Group Meeting held on 16 March at Reed Smith LLP…
Read More… from Meeting Report: Privacy by Design – ‘Grand Design’ or ‘Pipe Dream’
Declan Cushley and Giles Parsons summarise a recent Nominet ruling on the domain name and emphasise the lessons that emerge….
Neil Brown reports on Professor Christopher Millard’s presentation at the SCL Thames Valley Group meeting of 16 February…
Read More… from Thames Valley Group Meeting Report: Cloud Computing Contracts