Computer Fraud in Ireland
Pearse Ryan and Andrew Harbison discuss the law on computer fraud in Ireland and the law of dishonesty associated with it. The article casts considerable light on the practical realities of computer crime….
Pearse Ryan and Andrew Harbison discuss the law on computer fraud in Ireland and the law of dishonesty associated with it. The article casts considerable light on the practical realities of computer crime….
The Court of Justice has considered the revocation of .eu domain name registrations and evidence of bad faith in registration…
Read More… from Domain Name Registration: The Court of Justice and .eu
The Court of Justice has again supported legislation designed to create a national monopoly on gambling…
Ofcom has published its draft code of practice under the Digital Economy Act 2010 relating to online copyright infringement….
Read More… from Ofcom Consults on Code for ISPs’ Copyright Infringement Obligations
The Trustees of SCL are delighted to adopt this important contribution to the debate on solutions to the problem of unlawful file-sharing and its effect on copyright holders as an SCL Policy Document. The Document, written by Professor Chris Reed and Berna Akcali Gur, reviews the legal issues surrounding copyright in digital music and the potential liability of ISPs and suggests a move to a long-term solution where access providers pay licence fees to content owners – and users receive the music free of restriction. The Paper is one product of the highly successful SCL Forum, held in September 2009 and hosted and sponsored by Herbert Smith LLP….
The OFT published a market study setting out its preliminary views on behavioural advertising and targeted pricing practices on 25 May…
Read More… from OFT Report: Online Targeting of Advertising and Prices
Susan Mann offers a current view of data transfer between the EEA and USA, examining the cultural and philosophical divides. She looks at Safe Harbor, Binding Corporate Rules and Model Contractual Clauses….
Read More… from Ocean’s Apart: Data Transfers between the EEA and USA
In a companion piece to Susan Mann’s coverage of EU/USA data transfer issues, Liz Harding summarises the main relevant US legislation and regulatory mechanisms….
Read More… from Oceans Apart: Overview of the US Legal Framework
According to the latest Recommind survey, UK firms are still not ready for e-disclosure despite the increasing prevalence of relevant requests…
Rob Jackson reviews a history of attempts to seek the criminalisation of patent rights, including recent moves by the EU Competitiveness Council, and considers the implications of such a change….