Retaining Data
To use the phrase that is no longer funny (and totally outdated), ‘I ain’t bovvered…
To use the phrase that is no longer funny (and totally outdated), ‘I ain’t bovvered…
Shireen Smith tells us about online reputations: how to protect them and how to monitor them. She suggests that there may be a new role for lawyers here….
On 30 March, in the first of a new series of lectures titled ‘New Law for a New World’ sponsored by SCL in collaboration with the Oxford Internet Institute, Professor Roger Brownsword of King’s College, London, tackled the topic of the interaction between regulation and technology. Bill Jones reports on the event….
Andrew Dodd and Louisa Albertini review the latest case law from the European Court of Justice on the database right…
WIPO has revealed that 2008 was a record year for cybersquatting disputes and has expressed concern about the forthcoming new gTLDs….
The Eircom settlement with IRMA was not the end of conflict over online privileges and copyright theft. The ISPAI has issued a strong statement, which suggests that it will fight any attempt to turn it into an enforcement arm for the music industry….
Read More… from Showdown! ISPs and the Music Industry in Ireland
The ICO has issued a draft code of practice on the content and nature of privacy notices. Marly Didizian and Peter Church describe and comment on the draft code’s plus, and its shortcomings, and offer their own suggestions for drafting….
Bridget Treacy analyses how over-regulation and concern over data privacy may keep the cloud from rising high…
SCL has delivered its response to the IPO consultation © The Future: Developing a Copyright Agenda for the 21st Century…
SCL has now submitted its comments to Lord Justice Jackson’s Review….
Read More… from SCL Comments to Civil Litigation Costs Review