The SCO Open Source Litigation Saga – the Community Fights Back

SCO Group, Inc. (SCO) is a US corporation primarily known for the development and distribution of products based on the UNIX System V (UNIX SVRx) operating systems.  By 2003 the open source operating system Linux had become a serious competitor to UNIX and, in an apparent attempt to derive revenue from Linux users and, ultimately,…

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Predictions 3

From Alex Dunstan-Lee, a Legal Specialist in KPMG’s Forensic Technology Services group: Thinking in data: Lawyers will start to understand the power of thinking in data, not in paper. They will start to realise that word documents, e-mails etc are not pieces of paper inserted into a computer screen. They are large bodies of…

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Wrap Trap

These days software supply options abound, but by far the most common choice remains an ‘off-the-shelf’ package with its take-it-or-leave-it licence. But before you accept those standard terms and conditions, have you ever stopped to wonder what the small print might actually mean? Defining terms First we need to be clear about what we mean…

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Russian Software Development: A Personal View

I don’t like the taste of straight vodka, however expensive. This can be a social obstacle while working in Russia, I’ve found. But apart from one’s particular taste in alcohol, I’ve found that there’s much to recommend outsourcing one’s software development there. The country is loaded with brainy, entrepreneurially-minded engineers who yearn for bigger and…

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Blog Taster: Privacy and Social Networks – Bees to the Honeypot

We are running a series of articles on the site which give a flavour of top legal blogs, with the focus on those dealing with IT law topics and the like. This posting is from Laurence Kaye on Digital Media Law, a blog about the future of digital media law from Laurie Kaye, Laurence Kaye Solicitors. Laurie has promised a donation to Children in Need for every new ‘sign-up’ to his blog….

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