Live Streamed Sex Videos
Angus Hamilton contemplates the legality of live streamed video containing sexual activity in the UK….
Angus Hamilton contemplates the legality of live streamed video containing sexual activity in the UK….
Software licensing is a fine balancing act. With the change in licensing legislation, the tightrope is getting thinner. Richard Althorp, MD at Sol-Tec, talks about the penalties involved in under licensing and keeping compliant with the law and how you can actually save money if you are over licensing….
The Bar Council has recently published guidelines concerning the incorporation of counsels’ advice to clients into knowledge management systems created by firms of solicitors for their own internal use for the benefit of other clients. Kirsten Houghton of 4 Essex Court explains….
Paul Motion of Ledingham Chalmers reflects on a recent case concerning possession of a CD-Rom of child pornography….
Read More… from Child pornography: Defences, protection and the dangers
John C. Buyers, a Director in KLegal’s London Technology Department, examins the legal effect of haphazard changes which take place in the real world to the carefully crafted contracts which underpin outsourcing. He also indicates the best approach to avoiding such disasters….
Read More… from Changing your Outsourcing Deal Midstream – the Perils and the Pitfalls
Technological developments are often launched amid a barrage of publicity about how they will change our lives. Many fail to live up to the initial hype. The Internet is one technological development which has fully matched (and exceeded) initial expectations. It has fundamentally altered the way in which we do business and is now a core facility used in everyday business life. Jonathan Maas looks at how the Internet has been and is being used to change the way in which legal services are provided and considers how it may change working practices in the future, how it affects lawyer/client relationships and what opportunities it offers for law firms to deliver services more effectively….
Read More… from The Impact of the Internet on the Provision of Legal Services
Richard Harrison examines the role of technology and the legal profession in Dracula’s English ventures….
Outsourcing is of major importance commercially, and especially important in the IT sector. Outsourcing as a business practice has grown rapidly over the last decade. Bill Jones of Wragge & Co considers current trends in outsourcing from a legal perspective….
Read More… from Trends in Outsourcing from a Legal Perspective
The SCL Boot Camp is back. The 2003 Boot Camp is 20/21 June at the Manchester Conference Centre….
Computer forensics is a discipline that is increasingly called upon to resolve a whole range of legal issues both within the workplace and outside of it. But, for most employers, their chances of carrying out a successful forensic investigation are being severely hampered by a failure to recognise the importance of defining and implementing the right kind of policy. In this article, Clifford May, principal consultant at security specialist Integralis, examines how appropriate policies can be designed and provides practical advice on the methodology of forensic investigation….