Open source software and WIPO

A debate is raging in the software industry at the moment between supporters of open source software, who argue for maximum disclosure of software code, and suppliers of proprietary software, who jealously guard access to their source code. As many organisations in both the private and public sectors look to open source software as a reliable and flexible solution to their needs, the proprietary software industry looks increasingly under threat. Caroline Barton of Field Fisher Waterhouse discusses the conflict….

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Police, Camera, Action!

VIPER, the new video ID parade system launched in March by Home Secretary David Blunkett, has been described as the largest video editing facility in the world. Andy Hogben of Quadrant Visual Solutions, one of the original members of the ‘VIPER’s nest’ which developed the system for West Yorkshire Police, describes the technological hurdles which were overcome during the groundbreaking eight-year project….

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