Claims for Wasted Management Time in IT Implementation Disputes

The Holman case has once again highlighted the risk of claims against suppliers for wasted management time in IT implementation disputes. Tim Strong, partner in the IT dispute resolution team at Barlow Lyde & Gilbert, reviews the development of claims of this nature, taking a look at some of the general principles applied by the courts in assessing damages….

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Electronic Disclosure – The Way Ahead

Over the last century, apart from direct testimony, paper evidence has been the most compelling form of evidence in trying criminal and civil cases. However, with the advent of computers and information technology the dependence on paper documents as the major source of evidence, other than testimony, is changing. The real question, say Chris O’Reilly (Director of International Litigation Support at LDM) and Jason Derting (who owns Pacific Legal), is whether the legal community has kept pace with the phenomenal growth in computer technology and whether it is aware of the significance of computer-generated data in the disclosure process….

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Data Protection Update

Europe The Council of Europe Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to the automatic processing of personal data (Treaty 108), which was the main impetus for the UK’s Data Protection Act 1984, has been extended by an additional protocol covering the powers of supervisory authorities and the rules for transborder data flows. The…

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ISPs on Red Alert following Sweeping New Anti-terrorism Laws

The implications of the Government’s sweeping new laws to beef-up the fight against terrorism following September 11’s terror attacks on New York and Washington are likely to have far-reaching implications for all sectors of the economy. With limited debate taking place before the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 became law, many businesses seem ignorant of their wider responsibilities under the new legislation. Fiona Ghosh, a barrister specialising in data protection and IT at national law firm Addleshaw Booth & Co, looks at the new law and its impact on ISPs….

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