Establishing a Year 2000 Claim
John Mawhood is a Partner in the IT and Telecommunications Group of Tarlo Lyons….
John Mawhood is a Partner in the IT and Telecommunications Group of Tarlo Lyons….
Year 2000: Law and Liability by Susan Singleton, Sweet & Maxwell, 1998. £99.
Countdown to 2000: A Guide to the Legal Issues by Halberstam Elias & Co, Butterworths, 1998. £45…
Outsourcing IT – The Legal Aspects by Rachel Burnett, Gower, 235 pages, hardback….
Take the SCL official test below, devised by Andy Lucas,to see if you really were justified in not attending. Andrew Lucas is asolicitor in Eversheds Birmingham computer law unit specialising innon-contentious IT law. He may be e-mailed at….
Read More… from You missed the SCL Annual IT Law Conference – But could you afford to?
Nicholas Wood is a director of Net Searchers International Ltd, the UK based company which assists brand and trademark specialists to protect intellectual property on the Internet through audits, searching, monitoring, tracking and registrations….
As IT law becomes a recognised part of every major practice’s armoury, andeven becomes a topic of serious concern to the majority of commercial practicesnationwide, the specialist must look to his laurels. Quite simply it isimpossible to be a specialist when your knowledge and skills are also owned andapplied by vast numbers of your fellow…
The International Federation of Computer Law Associations’ Conference takes place in Oxford on 8 and 9 July….
Peter Bullock is a Partner at Masons and heads their Informationand Technology Law Group in Hong Kong having relocated there from Masons’London office last year. He may be contacted by e-mail at….
Rico Calleja is an Information Lawyer in the Media and Communications Group at Theodore Goddard. He may be contacted on…
Read More… from Internet and Interactive TV – A Regulatory Nightmare?