Editorial August/September
In an issue dominated by reflections of the stellar June SCL Conference and July’s wonderful Online Courts Hackathon, Laurence Eastham chooses to moan about government incompetence in dealing with the GDPR….
In an issue dominated by reflections of the stellar June SCL Conference and July’s wonderful Online Courts Hackathon, Laurence Eastham chooses to moan about government incompetence in dealing with the GDPR….
Following his recent trip to China, Richard Susskind reflects on the pace of change on legal technology there, sensing a swing of the pendulum and assessing the implications that may have for the legal landscape in the UK and beyond…
Read More… from China as the Next Leader in Legal Technology?
The DCMS has published a statement of intent covering the proposed contents of the Data Protection Bill…
Read More… from Data Protection Bill: Statement of Intent Published
Simon Brown and Helen Woollett explore and deplore the potential effect of Article 10 on the capacity of organisation concerned with financial services to monitor for fraud and other breaches of law…
Read More… from Application of Article 10 of the GDPR to the Financial Services’ Sector in the UK
The Court of Justice of the European Union has declared that the agreement envisaged between the EU and Canada on the transfer of Passenger Name Record data may not be concluded in its current form, stating that several provisions of the draft agreement do not accord with fundamental rights recognised by the EU…
Read More… from CJEU Declares EU/Canada PNR Agreement Invalid
Carolina Gasparoli and Tim Hill recount the history of the battle to gain greater protection for LPP…
Aaron Pickett looks back on the time when the IT Group developers took on the 24-hour Online Courts Hackathon challenge…
Read More… from Online Courts Hackathon: the IT Group Experience
The DEA implementation is now underway as the Digital Economy Act 2017 (Commencement No. 1) Regulations 2017 (SI 2017/765) is published….
The Government should pursue full regulatory equivalence with the EU with respect to data protection in order to ensure unhindered data flows between the UK and EU post-Brexit, offer stability and certainty for businesses and maintain police and security cooperation, says the EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee in its report entitled ‘Brexit: the EU data protection package’….
Read More… from House of Lords Committee Report on Brexit and Data Protection
Ashley Hurst sets out an approach to fake news that shifts the focus away from some of the more strident ‘calls for action’…
Read More… from Fake News: Striking a Balance between Regulation and Responsibility