Digital Economy Act 2017 Published
The final version of the Digital Economy Act 2017 has been published online. Some significant provisions come into force on 25 June….
The final version of the Digital Economy Act 2017 has been published online. Some significant provisions come into force on 25 June….
David Berry highlights the practical and legal challenges inherent in any smart city initiative and suggests some approaches that might minimise the risks arising from those challenges…
Read More… from Smart and Connected Cities: Surmounting the Challenges
The Court of Justice of the European Union has considered whether there is any obligation to disclose personal data in the context of attempts to identify the driver allegedly responsible for a road traffic accident…
Read More… from Personal Data Disclosure: Latest CJEU Judgment
Peter Brogden offers an appealing and neat account of the mechanics, applications and potential of blockchain, with nods to Bitcoin and Ethereum and a focus on ‘real-life law’…
Read More… from Smart Contracts and Web 3.0: The Evolution of Law?
Lending of e-books According to the CJEU in Case C-174/15 Vereniging Openbare Bibliotheken v Stichting Leenrecht lending of an electronic book (e-book) may, under certain conditions, be treated in the same way as the lending of a traditional book. The public lending exception, which provides inter alia for the fair remuneration of authors, is applicable. Background In the…
Khurram Shamsee draws the key lessons from the recent cases on SARs…
With 5G on the horizon, Matthew Hunt looks at some of the patent licensing implications in the context of the impending EU Commission ‘Communication on Standard Essential Patents for a European digitalised economy’…
Read More… from Patent Licensing: 5G and the Internet of Things
The Article 29 Working Party has welcomed the proposal for a new ePrivacy Regulation but it is a welcome laced with ‘grave concerns’…
Read More… from Article 29 Working Party Opinion on the Proposed ePrivacy Regulation
Dirk Voorhoof recounts the facts and judgment in Pihl and comments on the findings of the European Court of Human Rights and the potential for restrictions on internet freedoms…
Rónán Kennedy explores fundamental issues surrounding the use of algorithms…