Suffer the Little Children…The Supremes, the Internet and PJS
Robin Callender Smith picks his way carefully through the celebrity/privacy minefield…
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Robin Callender Smith picks his way carefully through the celebrity/privacy minefield…
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Aravind Swaminathan, Kolvin Stone and Christian Schröder warn of the dangers and suggest strategies to adopt. Aravind is one of the speakers at the IFCLA Conference on the topic ‘Cybersecurity’…
Read More… from A Shifting Cybersecurity Landscape: Coming Changes and Perils
According to the European Data Protection Supervisor, the Privacy Shield that is intended to underpin data transfers to the USA is not adequate and a more robust and sustainable solution needed…
Annabelle Gold-Caution reviews the Fourth Edition of Gringras: The Laws of the Internet by Dr Paul Lambert, ISBN: 9781847668943 Pub date: January 2016 Format: Hardback Extent: 672pp Price: £175. Also available in epub and pdf formats at £169.99…
Read More… from Book Review: Gringras: The Laws of the Internet
The European Commission has moved one stage on in its proposals for the Digital Single Market (DSM) and published its latest proposals…
It has been announced that the Royal Free NHS Trust has disclosed patient health data to Big Data company DeepMind, owned by Google. DeepMind and similar companies are seeking to expand BigData commercial applications, products and services into the hospital (and home) health markets. Dr Paul Lambert considers some of the data protection issues….
Whatever the doubts, getting the introduction and implementation of ODR right is crucial and standing on the side-lines criticising won’t assist. But it can only be a help to the many if we look hard at the expensive support that has to go with it…
Bojana Bellamy and Markus Heyder consider the role that the concept of enhanced accountability can play in creating a sustainable data-driven economy and information society. Bojana is one of the speakers at the IFCLA Conference on the topic ‘Data Protection – Compliance in a Heavily Regulated Environment’…
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Lucie Audibert won the SCL Student Essay Prize 2016 with this piece addressing the question: To what extent should the functionality, as opposed to the source code, of computer programs be protected by copyright….
Read More… from Computer Program Functionality and Copyright
Pearse Ryan and Shane McCarthy consider recent policy and strategy level developments in the cyber security sphere in Ireland….
Read More… from Ireland: Recent Developments in the National Cyber Security Sphere