New SCL Chair’s Vision for the Future
In his first communication with SCL members as SCL Chair, Mark O’Conor gives a sense of where SCL has got to and where it can go as a Society over the next few years….
In his first communication with SCL members as SCL Chair, Mark O’Conor gives a sense of where SCL has got to and where it can go as a Society over the next few years….
The EU Commission announces an agreement with US negotiators on new framework for transatlantic data flows: the EU-US Privacy Shield…
Read More… from Safe Harbour’s Successor? The EU-US Privacy Shield
The House of Commons Committee on Science and Technology Committee has published its report on the draft IP Bill…
Chris Bridges focuses on the impact of the GDPR on one particular data-dependent industry….
Read More… from GDPR: The End for the Marketing List Industry?
In the latest in our series of articles focusing on aspects of the GDPR, Tim Hickman and Dr. Detlev Gabel review the various rights granted under the GDPR, consider how they differ from the current set of rights set out in the Directive and go on to consider the impact that each such right is likely to have on organisations that act as data controllers….
Sarah Pearce reviews the position on Safe Harbor/Harbour and suggests a way forward…
A judgment in the Court of Appeal includes some important guidance on electronic disclosure in a case involving a vast amount of material…
These predictions come from a wide cross-section of lawyers engaged in tech law…
A collection of predictions from experts on the use of technology by lawyers and edisclosure…
Read More… from Predictions 2016: Technology and eDisclosure
Chris Dale says that his general theme is ‘disclose less, with technology as your sword and proportionality as your shield’ but there is much more than that here, laced with acerbic wit….