Wide-ranging EU Survey Deadline Looms
An important EU’s public consultation, seeking views on a series of questions targeting relations between platform providers and holders of rights in digital content, has a deadline of 6 January for responses…
An important EU’s public consultation, seeking views on a series of questions targeting relations between platform providers and holders of rights in digital content, has a deadline of 6 January for responses…
Brookes Taney explains that companies face new vulnerabilities as hackers push the envelope…
If the European Commission can just ignore its deadlines ……
The EU Commission has published a press release that indicates that agreement has been reached…
Another brilliant set of predictions from Chris Dale. He says that his general theme is ‘disclose less, with technology as your sword and proportionality as your shield’ but there is much more than that here, laced with acerbic wit….
Louisa Dixon and Laura Rose take us on a tour through a number of recent cases that have touched upon the use of hyperlinks and the embedding of content and have required the Court of Justice of the European Union to struggle with the copyright implications…
A bumper set of tech predictions from Joanna Goodman started the day and Graham Hann has another bumper set on emerging technology and the impact on (and of) law to give you more food for thought…
The European Data Protection Supervisor has expressed real concern over the move to agree a new Passenger Name Record (PNR) scheme…
Read More… from EDPS Registers Concern over Pending PNR Agreement
Jason Coyne, Andrew Lee and Daniel Burgess work through a typical example of the work of a team involved in protecting a business from an employee using confidential information to boost his prospects in a new job or business…
Read More… from Investigating Employee Theft: Uncovering the Tracks
The Leap to the Intelligence Age?…
Read More… from Predictions 2016: Emma Wright and Darren Jones