Monetary Penalty for CPS
The ICO has given details of its latest monetary penalty…
The ICO has given details of its latest monetary penalty…
Data Exchange between Administrative Bodies Needs Notice The CJEU has given judgment in Case C-201/14 Smaranda Bara and Others v Presedintele Casei Nationale de Asigurari de Sanatate and Others. It held that, where personal data is subject to transfer and processing between public administrative bodies, the data subject must be informed in advance. Facts Ms…
In the second of our series of articles on Schrems, Natasha Simmons takes a sober look at the judgment in Schrems v Data Protection Commissioner and gives some practical guidance…
Read More… from Practical Advice in the Aftermath of Safe Harbour and the Schrems Ruling
Simon Deane-Johns reviews the final version of the new Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on payment services in the internal market. This article supersedes his article published online in June 2015….
In the first in our series of longer articles arising from the decision of the CJEU in Max Schrems v Data Protection Commissioner, Brad Smith, Microsoft’s president and chief legal officer, offers his thoughts on the likely effects….
Read More… from The Collapse of the US-EU Safe Harbor: Solving the New Privacy Rubik’s Cube
Laurence Eastham reviews the new book from joint authors, SCL President Richard Susskind and his son Daniel Susskind…
The Article 29 Working Party has agreed an official statement following the CJEU’s ruling in Schrems which casts great uncertainty over data transfers outside the EU…
Read More… from Schrems and Safe Harbor: Article 29 Working Party Statement
Chris Bridges investigates the EU Commission’s consultation on geo-blocking, which some (including the Commission) see as an obvious threat to the EU’s digital single market. Chris sees it as a lot more complicated than that….
The CJEU has ruled that the EU Commission’s Safe Harbor decision, that the USA ensures an adequate level of protection of the personal data transferred, is not conclusive of the issue….
Sarah Hill and Ciara Cullen clarify a complex area – the quantum that applies where software infringement is established….
Read More… from Assessment of Quantum for Software Infringement: Are You Ready to Elect?