Beware of Bloatware
Chris Coughlan reflects on the data protection consequences of Lenovo’s Superfish scandal….
Chris Coughlan reflects on the data protection consequences of Lenovo’s Superfish scandal….
The Supreme Court has given judgment in a case concerning the collection and retention by the police of electronic data about individuals and the balancing human rights concerns….
Read More… from Data Retention: Supreme Court Ruling on Police Practice
This is a version of Marion Oswald’s speech at the launch of the Centre for Law & Information Policy at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies on 24 February 2015…
There is lots of new legislation affecting IT lawyers as IT law penetrates every corner of life. It is not easy to keep track. Here are some of the items that have come to my attention recently (somewhat slanted to criminal practice because of work focused on that area), with the odd moan about them thrown in….
The Information Commissioner’s Office has issued a monetary penalty notice in respect of the IT security failings of an insurance firm that led to hacked payment card details being used for fraud…
Read More… from Monetary Penalty Notice for Insurance Company
Mark Deem considers cryptocurrencies, trust and regulation…
I like to think that I do curmudgeonly well. But, like Schwarzenegger doing comedy, I like the occasional stretch. I find myself currently playing the part of the uplifting and positive commentator on the way of the legal world. For while I remember a time when you could get into the pictures and buy a…
Alexander de Gaye reports on SCL’s Annual Data Protection Update, an event held at Fieldfisher on Wednesday 28 January 2015….
Read More… from SCL Event Report: Annual Data Protection Update 2015
Robert Clark, Pearse Ryan and Niall Donnelly look at the latest position on trade secrets. This is an updated and fuller version of an article posted earlier….
Read More… from EU Trade Secrets Directive – Be Aware, Be Very Aware
Data Protection and Home CCTV According to the CJEU, the Data Protection Directive applies to a video recording made with a surveillance camera installed by a person on his family home and directed towards the public footpath. The Court ruled in Case 212/13 František Ryneš v Ú?ad pro ochranu osobních údaj? that those installing domestic…