Cake or Death?

With the Upper Tribunal suggesting that seeking a discount on a data protection monetary penalty notice and still appealing was to have the cake and eat it too, Paul Motion and Laura Irvine ask how you can lose the right to appeal a £500,000 data fine….

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E-disclosure Headaches: Case Study in Pain Relief

Damian Murphy offers a case study, based on real experiences, which demonstrates how e-disclosure problems might be solved by judicious use of referrals to those with relevant expertise. But the process he follows, and the insights into the ‘e-disclosure battlefield’ that he offers, will be of interest to many engaged in this area, and especially to the many fearing future engagement in it….

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SCL Meeting Report: ‘Online Advertising Masterclass: Display, Data, Search and Social’.

On 6 November 2013, Bristows LLP hosted the latest session organised by the SCL Media Group which proved extremely popular. The session covered various aspects of online advertising and was chaired by Paul Jordan, head of the advertising team at Bristows. Sacha Wilson, an associate at Bristows, reports on the session….

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Data Protection Monetary Penalties: Absolutely Criminal?

In the space of little more than eight weeks, the Information Rights Tribunal has recently quashed two ‘Civil Monetary Penalties’ totalling £550,000. Paul Motion and Laura Irvine consider the decisions and argue that such Monetary Penalties are properly categorised as criminal, with significant consequences for both the Information Commissioner and a data controller under investigation for a data protection breach. See also the authors’ article ‘Cake or Death?’…

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