Restricted View in FirstRow Case
Nick Swimer and Stephen Edwards look at a recent High Court judgment that confirmed that operators of a live sports indexing web site were infringing the FAPL’s copyright…
Nick Swimer and Stephen Edwards look at a recent High Court judgment that confirmed that operators of a live sports indexing web site were infringing the FAPL’s copyright…
Ian Brown adds to the debate about Internet surveillance by governments and the various legal regimes that apply…
Judith Rauhofer responds to the article ‘A Global Reality: Governmental Access to Cloud Data’…
Read More… from Governmental Access to Cloud Data: A Response
Quentin Archer, Winston Maxwell and Christopher Wolf summarise the key findings from a recent analysis of the powers of governments to access data held in the Cloud…
Read More… from A Global Reality: Governmental Access to Data in the Cloud
The Office of Fair Trading has issued a decision in a case concerning restrictions on online sales of mobility scooters…
The Bank of Scotland has been issued with a monetary penalty by the Information Commissioner’s Office after a series of faxes were sent to wrong numbers over a three-year period…
The Home Affairs Committee published its Report on e-crime on 30 July 2013….
Stephen Musgrave looks at a High Court judgment that resulted in an injunction being granted to restrain ex-employees from using LinkedIn contacts…
Stewart James seeks to widen awareness of cybercrime issues and counsels the need to consider the real threat cybercrime poses when advising business clients…
Mark Taylor, Rachel Savary and Ben Regnard-Weinrabe clear some of the fog that surrounds the virtual currency concept, explore what regulation might apply to virtual currencies and pay special attention to Bitcoin….