E-crime: Commons Committee Report
The Home Affairs Committee published its Report on e-crime on 30 July 2013….
The Home Affairs Committee published its Report on e-crime on 30 July 2013….
Stephen Musgrave looks at a High Court judgment that resulted in an injunction being granted to restrain ex-employees from using LinkedIn contacts…
Stewart James seeks to widen awareness of cybercrime issues and counsels the need to consider the real threat cybercrime poses when advising business clients…
Mark Taylor, Rachel Savary and Ben Regnard-Weinrabe clear some of the fog that surrounds the virtual currency concept, explore what regulation might apply to virtual currencies and pay special attention to Bitcoin….
Kuan Hon reviews the latest edition of Data Protection Law & Practice by Rosemary Jay (4th edition (2012), Sweet & Maxwell (hardcover), £245)…
The Court of Appeal has allowed the appeal of Fairstar against the High Court ruling that it had no right to disclosure of e-mails held by its former chief executive…
Read More… from Access to E-mails: Court of Appeal Judgment in Fairstar
The Information Commissioner’s Office states that the police’s use of a ‘ring of steel’ is disproportionate and must be reviewed…
The European Data Protection Supervisor has added to the criticism of the EU Commission’s proposal for ‘smart borders’ recently expressed by the Article 29 Working Party. The EDPS considers that the key proposal is costly, unproven and intrusive…
The Information Commissioner’s Office has fined NHS Surrey for failing to check the destruction of old computers…
Simon Worthy offers a view on the dangers of TOR and the perceived inadequacies of reaction to the dangers it seems willingly to embrace. Whether it is really Dantesque and whether all hope should be abandoned is a matter that SCL members may wish to debate….
Read More… from TOR: ‘Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate’