SCL Media Group Seminar Report: Intermediary Liability
Frania Cooper reports on the meeting of the SCL Media Group on 10 October which focused on intermediary liability…
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Frania Cooper reports on the meeting of the SCL Media Group on 10 October which focused on intermediary liability…
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Sort of a review of Predictive Coding for Dummies- a publication about eDiscovery…
Not everyone who talks about cloud computing seems to have grasped the basics but it is tough to assess the legal risks without a decent understanding. Lillian Pang aims to improve understanding of the cloud and the issues that arise from its use….
A police force has been required to pay a £120,000 penalty for data breach…
Read More… from Latest Monetary Penalty: Police Pay £120,000 for Breach
A survey of UK retailers’ web sites has found flaws in compliance with consumer protection legislation…
The Ministry of Justice has issued guidance for those working in the criminal justice system on ‘digital working’…
Read More… from Crime: Digital Working Guidance from the MoJ
In light of the spate of recent prosecutions, and the DPP’s consultation exercise, Lilian Edwards looks at s 127 and what might be done about it…
Read More… from Section 127 of the Communications Act 2003: Threat or Menace?
Follow these sound tips from David Blunt QC and Terence Bergin to keep costs under control, and keep clients happy (or as happy as litigating clients can be)….
Read More… from Ten Ways to Reduce Costs in IT Litigation and Arbitration
The ICO has acted to remind businesses of data responsibilities as more look to cloud computing to process personal information…
The European Data Protection Supervisor has published his formal comments on DG MARKT’s public consultation on procedures for notifying and acting on illegal content hosted by online intermediaries…
Read More… from EDPS Comments on Online Illegal Content Procedure Proposals