The Incriminating and the Obvious
An insight into the latest FBI investigation into organised crime and a warning not to overlook the importance of digital evidence…
An insight into the latest FBI investigation into organised crime and a warning not to overlook the importance of digital evidence…
Today we have contributions from three experts in their chosen fields. The feast of predictions goodies is far from over – look out for more tasty morsels as the week goes on. Read the predictions from Chris Marsden, Peter Sommer and Stephen Mason….
Tom Scourfield and Lucy Kilshaw look at recent High Court judgment where the defendant police force escaped copyright liability but were caught out on database right in phone code list…
Read More… from Database Right Protection: Latest High Court Judgment
Time to hear from a group of practitioners, focusing mainly on IT law issues but including a look at our developing relationship with tablets, smartphones and other new ways of living too. Think of this as the bag of luxury chocolate gold coins that you ate instead of putting them on the tree. Read the predictions from Stewart Room, Kit Burden, Emma Brownlow-Smith, Jon Bloor, Paul Gershlick and David Lewis…
Read More… from 2012 Predictions 4: Practitioner’s Prognostications
Something more substantial today – five items from the selection box of predictions. Chew on the predictions affecting technology and the real practice of law from Jan Durant, Arlene Adams, Tom Hiskey, Joe Reevy and David Gilroy and decide which suggestion is the Cadbury’s Flake and which is the Mars Bar….
Today’s cheeky taster from the predictions chocolate assortment is a melange of forecasts from three men with special e-disclosure expertise, but it goes beyond e-disclosure to offer undertones of praline and a strong after-taste of essence of law firm practice. Read the predictions of Andrew Haslam, Mike Taylor and Charles Holloway….
Read More… from 2012 Predictions 2: Discovery Divinations and Much More
Richard Graham reviews the likely targets for data protection reform and suggests that it is time to get ready to meet the challenges reform will bring…
The government’s new Cyber Security Strategy was published on 25 November….
The Court of Justice has ruled that EU law precludes the imposition of an injunction by a national court which requires an Internet service provider to install a filtering system with a view to preventing the illegal downloading of files…
Alex Hall suggests that the major changes to the domain name structure are not a cause for panic and explains what is really involved….
Read More… from The New Domain Names Structure and Brand Protection