Beth Gilmour explores the potential benefits and limitations of using AI to increase access to justice in the winning article of the SCL AI Group Junior Lawyer Article Competition Introducing DisruptionImagine someone, sitting anxiously in a waiting room at a solicitor’s office they hastily found online. They clutch a notice of eviction in their hands,…

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We are delighted to announce that the winner of the SCL AI Group Junior Lawyer Article Competition 2024 is Beth Gilmour. Beth, a BAR student, submitted an insightful article titled “The Ability of AI to Increase Access to Justice.” As the competition winner, Beth will receive £500 in training credits, and her article will be…

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The European Commission has published a Staff Working Document that summarises the findings of its evaluation of the Technology Transfer Block Exemption Regulation (TTBER) and the accompanying Guidelines on the application of Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to technology transfer agreements. The aim of the evaluation was to…

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Sponsored by and Colt Technology Services A competition to hear ideas from students and prospective trainees on how the law can embrace sustainability principles. The challenge we set: Which legal, environmental, social, or governance issue can be resolved with improved technology and how? The DragonsOur Dragons are experts in the field of technology, ESG, and…

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We are absolutely delighted to share the news that SCL President Professor Richard Susskind OBE KC (Hon) has been appointed Special Envoy for Justice and Artificial Intelligence by the Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC. In his new role, Prof Susskind will be responsible for supporting the 56 Commonwealth countries in achieving Sustainable…

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Among other things, the EDPB adopted an Opinion on the notion of main establishment. During its latest plenary, the EDPB adopted an Opinion on the notion of main establishment and on the criteria for the application of the One-Stop-Shop mechanism, following a request under Article 64(2) GDPR by the French data protection authority. The Opinion…

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The UK government has published its response to its AI White Paper, which was published last year. It set out initial proposals to develop a “pro-innovation regulatory framework” for AI. The proposed framework outlined five cross-sectoral principles for the UK’s regulators to interpret and apply within their remits. The government also proposed a new central…

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The Data Protection and Digital Information Bill may be under threat, as the government has approved a carry over extension. The business for 7 February stated: “Up to 90 minutes after the commencement of proceedings on the Business of the House (Today) motion (if that motion is agreed to)…(Secretary Michelle Donalan) That the period on…

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