CJEU: search engine copying of databases infringes sui generis right where it adversely affects database maker investment
The decision emphasises the importance of investment by the database maker….
The decision emphasises the importance of investment by the database maker….
In the first of a two part article, Ben Kaplinsky examines the causes of WWI and how the failure of legislators contributed to the carnage of the trenches. In Part 2, to be published in July, he will apply some of those lessons to our technological revolution of today….
Peter Yapp, our regular contributor on cybersecurity, looks at why you should take note of the National Security and Investment Act 2021 which aims to manage national security risks associated with international business…
Michael Nga and Madeleine Weber look at some of the copyright issues that a potential buyer of an NFT artwork should think about…
Minesh Tanna summarises the main points of the Draft EU AI Regulation set to make its way through the EU law making process over the next few years…
Read More… from The EU Draft AI Regulation: what you need to know now
Conservative Party sent 51 marketing emails in breach of the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 in July 2019…
Read More… from ICO fines Conservative Party £10,000 for sending unlawful emails
The CMA is assessing if Facebook uses information to benefit its own services while the European Commission is considering if Facebook violated EU rules by gathering data from advertisers to compete with them in providing classified ads….
Read More… from CMA and EU open investigations into Facebook’s use of ad data
SCCs are for use between controllers and processors and for the transfer of personal data to third countries….
Read More… from European Commission adopts standard contractual clauses
Leah Gardner identifies some of the common stumbling blocks for suppliers and users reviewing their licensing arrangements…
Read More… from Software Licensing Agreements: Five things to look out for on review
The chapter defines anonymisation and pseudonymisation….