Court of Appeal rules that a court order regarding disclosure of personal electronic devices did not violate the GDPR or privacy rights
Issue arose out of Phones 4 U competition proceedings….
Issue arose out of Phones 4 U competition proceedings….
Peter Leonard sets out a manifesto for embedding good governance in the design of automation applications.*…
Read More… from Ensuring that responsible humans make good AI
The IPO had not interpreted the guidance for examining software-related inventions in the Manual of Patent Office Practice too narrowly….
Read More… from High Court dismisses appeal against decision that an ‘AI genome’ is not patentable
In his latest column on cybersecurity and cybercrime, Peter Yapp looks at the development of guidelines for forensic digital evidence….
The ICO has announced that it has resumed its adtech investigation, which was paused due to the pandemic. In a second announcement, it considers data flows and cooperation under the TCA….
Read More… from ICO resumes adtech investigation and welcomes UK-EU trade agreement
This was the first time the English High Court had held that a domain name was a form of intangible personal property….
Read More… from High Court holds that domain name is intangible personal property
“Copyright trolls” may not receive information about users sharing copyright-protected works on peer to peer networks and even a fragment transferred can be a communication to the public….
Read More… from Advocate General opinion on copyright, P2P networks and “copyright trolls”
CMA publishes research on algorithms, showing how they can reduce competition in digital markets and harm consumers if they are misused….
Robin Hopkins looks at a recent case that gives some idea of judicial approaches on the question of the territorial reach of the GDPR ….
A patent relating to mobile phones was valid and essential to standards, and therefore infringed by Apple devices operating under these standards….