Letter to the Editor

I thought Ben Coppin’s article on the online sale of prescription drugs (C&L 13/4) was very interesting but the assertion that the Medicines Control Agency (MCA) has not prosecuted a single case under the Medicines Act 1968 is not correct. The site www.mca.gov.uk/ourwork/enforcemedleg/prosecutions.htm contains details of the recent prosecutions brought by the MCA. The MCA…

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RollAroundFriday Some time ago, this column contained an obituary for the pioneering legal bulletin board, ‘Link’. This was a dial-up service on which lawyers exchanged news and views and occasionally met up for a drink. It sank before catching the Web wave. If you want some reassurance that some lawyers at least have a life,…

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E-Conveyancing The timing of the publication of the Land Registry’s consultation document on e-conveyancing (www.e-conveyancing.gov.uk) meant that there was little point in this magazine merely reporting the proposals as they had been widely reported in mainstream publications. We have recently included considerable coverage of the general issues involved; indeed this issue looks at PISCES, which…

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Letter to the Editor

Thanks for yet another well written piece. We really don’t see enough straight talking in the literature of legal information. Picking up your point on publishers’ long-term commitment to free-access services I thought I would share my trials with Everyform, well-known to SCL members who voted it as the winner of our award for IT…

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Pushing the Consultation Process Forward Elsewhere in these pages (see p8), we cover the Court Service’s paper, Modernising the Civil Courts. I was unable there to resist the temptation to urge SCL members to contribute to the consultation process. It is a message that bears repeating. It is tempting to see that Paper as something…

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Nostalgia corner Rememberlast year, last century. We had all been awaiting the effect of the date changefrom 1999 to 2000. Law firms had formed task forces and many articles books andWeb sites devoted themselves to anticipating the flood of litigation. Where didit all go and what happened to it? Theconventional explanation is that the world,…

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Book Review

A Report for the Government Study Fellowship, by Ian Burdon. TheRegisters of ScotlandExecutive Agency, 1998. ISBN 0 9534180 0 6, £8.95 REVIEWED BY ROSEMARY COLQUHOUN, WS. Rosemary Colquhoun is Secretary of the Scottish Group committee. This is a Report of a project which explores changes which would be requiredwere electronic registration of title to land…

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From the Editor’s Chair

It includes three articles which we are running under thecollective title: IT Masterclass. We have Christopher Millard on data protectionand the Internet, Chris Reed on Internet contracting and Harry Small onwarranties, limitation and exclusion clauses and we have deliberately allowedmore scope than usual so that they can actually deal with the detail rather thanmerely paint…

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