Book Review

A Report for the Government Study Fellowship, by Ian Burdon. TheRegisters of ScotlandExecutive Agency, 1998. ISBN 0 9534180 0 6, £8.95 REVIEWED BY ROSEMARY COLQUHOUN, WS. Rosemary Colquhoun is Secretary of the Scottish Group committee. This is a Report of a project which explores changes which would be requiredwere electronic registration of title to land…

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From the Editor’s Chair

It includes three articles which we are running under thecollective title: IT Masterclass. We have Christopher Millard on data protectionand the Internet, Chris Reed on Internet contracting and Harry Small onwarranties, limitation and exclusion clauses and we have deliberately allowedmore scope than usual so that they can actually deal with the detail rather thanmerely paint…

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SCL Award 1999

Not only was the eventattended by SCL Vice Presidents, Lord Justice Saville and Sir Brian Neill andthe Chairman of the Bar but the originator of the Award, Richard Morgan, wasthere too. The Award winner was the Land Registry Direct Access Service but thegreatest winner was IT for lawyers because the quality of the entries wasoutstanding…

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From the Editor’s Chair

Readers seeing this issue’s striking cover may well observe that every issueof this magazine is ‘a glimpse into the future’. Peter Cochrane’s SCLlecture of that title and his vision will certainly have left many listenersthinking (probably wrongly) that the particular future he outlines is rather toofar away to worry about. The more workaday future remains…

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