Data Protection Monetary Penalties: Absolutely Criminal?

In the space of little more than eight weeks, the Information Rights Tribunal has recently quashed two ‘Civil Monetary Penalties’ totalling £550,000. Paul Motion and Laura Irvine consider the decisions and argue that such Monetary Penalties are properly categorised as criminal, with significant consequences for both the Information Commissioner and a data controller under investigation for a data protection breach. See also the authors’ article ‘Cake or Death?’…

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Be Trained . . . Get Accredited: Introducing the SCL Foundations of IT Law Programme

Practising IT Law is not for the faint-hearted. At any moment you could be asked to advise on any number of issues, from the liabilities and risks in an IT supply contract, through data protection of employee records to complex e-commerce issues. All the advice you give must be thoroughly grounded in the relevant law…

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