Royston’s Ring of CCTV Steel
The Information Commissioner’s Office states that the police’s use of a ‘ring of steel’ is disproportionate and must be reviewed…
The Information Commissioner’s Office states that the police’s use of a ‘ring of steel’ is disproportionate and must be reviewed…
The European Data Protection Supervisor has added to the criticism of the EU Commission’s proposal for ‘smart borders’ recently expressed by the Article 29 Working Party. The EDPS considers that the key proposal is costly, unproven and intrusive…
The Information Commissioner’s Office has fined NHS Surrey for failing to check the destruction of old computers…
Simon Worthy offers a view on the dangers of TOR and the perceived inadequacies of reaction to the dangers it seems willingly to embrace. Whether it is really Dantesque and whether all hope should be abandoned is a matter that SCL members may wish to debate….
Read More… from TOR: ‘Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate’
James Smith reports on the SCL Seminar held at Speechly Bircham on 26 June 2013…
Read More… from SCL Meeting Report: Back to Basics: IP for IT Lawyers
Read the latest Information Commissioner’s Office statement on the steps it is taking with regard to enforcement and some additional detail on the matters of concern…
The next time you find yourself complaining that e-mails seem to take forever to arrive, keep in mind that this may actually be true – at least from a legal perspective. Joel Harrison looks at the implications of a recent Court of Appeal judgment….
Christelle Coslin and Christine Gateau explain the significance of important 2012 judgments in the French Supreme Court, which ruled that there is no obligation on hosting providers in France to ensure that notified content is not later re-posted online by its users…
Read More… from No ‘Stay Down’ Obligation for Hosting Providers in France
It has been the best of times; it has been the worst of times. On the one hand, we have had moves towards open data that saw the G8 leaders sign up to the Open Data Charter, some very positive Government responses to the Shakespeare Review of Public Sector Information and impressive commitments to co-operative…
Advocate General Jääskinen considers that search engine service providers are not responsible, on the basis of the Data Protection Directive, for personal data appearing on web pages they process….
Read More… from Advocate General: Search Engines Not Responsible for Data on Web