EU Data Protection Reform and Hypocrisy
Does the passenger names records (PNR) agreement fit well with the European Commission’s data protection rhetoric?…
Does the passenger names records (PNR) agreement fit well with the European Commission’s data protection rhetoric?…
The Article 29 Working Party has published an open letter that attacks the latest form of the agreement between the European Commission and the United States of America on PNR….
Read More… from Article 29 WP Criticises the Latest PNR Agreement
Rosalind English reports on a case which involved an innovative approach to protection of privacy, with the court venturing into an area often characterised as beyond court control…
Kieron O’Hara examines the right to be forgotten – what it means and whether the technology is available to implement the right. This is the first in a series of articles arising from the SCL’s 6th Annual Policy Forum held in September 2011….
Read More… from Can Semantic Web Technology Help Implement a Right to Be Forgotten?
On 11 October 2011, the European Commission published a detailed proposal for a regulation on a Common European Sales Law (CESL). Guy Wilmot and David Webster consider the Commission’s proposals and explain what the CESL is before explaining some of the issues for technology and IT lawyers in particular….
Read More… from Common European Sales Law – Issues for IT Lawyers
As IT law affects everything, is there really room for the IT law expert? The specialisms are evolving and (here is a happy new year message) I think IT lawyers are doomed….
This is a selection of the responses to our annual call for predictions. These are mainly predictions from those focused on IT law, whether as academics of practitioners. Since contributors are encouraged to deal with all manner of relevant issues, it may stray from IT law and into topics of even greater interest….
This is a selection of the responses to our annual call for predictions, focusing on IT applications in the workplace…
Read More… from Predictions 2012: Technology and Strategies for Lawyers
This is a selection of the responses to our annual call for predictions, focusing on digital evidence e-disclosure, and vaguely related topics. Since respondents are encouraged to go beyond their comfort zone if so inclined, many more topics are covered….
Read More… from Predictions 2012: Digital Evidence, E-disclosure, Forensics and More
Samuel Martin Lorca and Brian Davidson consider a recent ECJ judgment on data protection and the implementation of the Directive into Spanish legislation…
Read More… from Data Protection: ECJ Judgment on Spanish Legislative Lapses