In Defence of the Cloud
Eduardo Ustaran shares his views on the reported tension between EU data protectionists and the Cloud….
Eduardo Ustaran shares his views on the reported tension between EU data protectionists and the Cloud….
The Information Commissioner’s Office has published guidance on freedom of information legislation and research information….
Read More… from ICO Advice on Disclosure of Research Information
The ECJ’s judgment in Interflora v Marks & Spencer settles nothing in itself. But I am not sure its floral undertones will create a perfume that smells like roses to M&S – I think they will be overwhelmed by the citrus base (ie lemons). Is that really how the judgment should be viewed? I am not sure it is that simple….
The Court of Justice claims to have clarified the scope of trade mark protection in the EU but has left the High Court to determine, inter alia, whether the use by Marks & Spencer within Google’s referencing service of keywords corresponding to the trade mark of its competitor Interflora undermined any of the ‘functions’ of that trade mark and whether it was ‘free-riding’….
Read More… from Interflora v Marks & Spencer: All Still to Play For or a Win for Interflora?
Pierre Roquefeuil considers the use of personal data on the Web and the French and European mirroring regimes that prevent or punish an abusive or unauthorized use….
Read More… from Internet and Data Privacy: The French/European Approach
After a fine was imposed on a cashier who spied on a sex attack victim’s bank records, the Information Commissioner says that this ‘disturbing case’ highlights the need for prison to be an option for offences under the DPA…
Acas has launched a guide for employers and employees….
Eduardo Ustaran has been talking to people who matter in Brussels and is beginning to get an idea of what the future EU data protection framework may look like…
The Article 29 Working Party has written to the IAB (Internet Advertising Bureau) and the EASA (European Advertising Standards Alliance) expressing fundamental concerns about their code of practice….
Read More… from Online Behavioural Advertising: Article 29 WP Concerns
On the unexpected effects of technology and hopes for increased privacy awareness that once seemed crushed but may rise again…