ICO and Street View Latest
The Information Commissioner has announced the outcome of the Google Street View investigation…
The Information Commissioner has announced the outcome of the Google Street View investigation…
Roger Bickerstaff provides some insights into forthcoming developments in Computers & Law and the SCL more generally…
Gillian Cordall looks at the basics of contract formation and points up their relevance to the real world IT or e-commerce transaction….
The Information Commissioner’s Office has issued a new statement on the complaints that were raised about Google Street View and its collection of data from wi-fi networks…
The 26th Annual Conference of the British & Irish Law, Education & and Technology Association will be held on 11th-12 April 2011 in Manchester. The Call for Papers has now been published….
In EMI v UPC, the High Court in Ireland has refused an application for an injunction against an ISP which would have required it to block access to file-sharing sites…
Read More… from Court Refuses to Order Blocking of File-sharing in Ireland
The Information Commissioner’s Office has launched a consultation on a new UK code of practice on data sharing…
The EU Commission has put forward proposals designed to boost Europe’s defences against cyber-attacks…
On my return from holiday, a blog post suggesting laws for robotics has really intrigued me…
The Information Commissioner’s Office has responded to the Ministry of Justice’s call for evidence on the current data protection legislative framework….