Red Sky in the Morning: Sellers’ Warning
An important High Court ruling on software exemption clauses is a further reminder of the need for suppliers to give full and accurate information to potential buyers….
An important High Court ruling on software exemption clauses is a further reminder of the need for suppliers to give full and accurate information to potential buyers….
Claire Purkiss and James Brunger look at a recent TCC case and highlight the dangers of proceeding with a business relationship without the protection and certainty that a contract to govern that relationship can bring….
Grounded by an ash cloud of confusion? Stranded in ignorance and facing a profiteer’s inflated CPD rental bill? A benign eruption of SCL events offers you a safe and cost- effective passage to enlightenment….
Apparently, nobody reads online terms and conditions. So why are you wasting your time drafting them properly?…
A very interesting High Court judgment in Ireland has tackled the data protection implications of ISPs sharing data for the purpose of limiting illegal file-sharing…
Read More… from Data Protection and Three Strikes in Ireland
Julia Hörnle reports on the Court of Justice judgment in the Google AdWords case but questions whether the judgment gives quite as much freedom to Google as some have suggested….
Read More… from Google AdWords: Free Rein to Search Engines?
Rupert Kendrick argues that organisations that fail to apply governance principles in the management of IT outsourcing projects are inviting project failure. His words of wisdom are likely to strike a chord with outsourcing lawyers whose clients have overlooked these principles. But they may be of equal interest to law firms considering any element of outsourcing….
Chris James covers firewalls, the risk to information security and data protection….
The European Court of Justice has found that Google has not infringed trade mark law by allowing advertisers to purchase keywords corresponding to their competitors’ trade marks. However, it has prohibited advertisers from using such keywords when arranging for Google to display any ads which do not allow internet users easily to establish from which undertaking the goods or services covered by the ad in question originate…
The European Data Protection Supervisor has issued a ‘practical set of Guidelines to European institutions and bodies on how to use video-surveillance responsibly’….