Cloud Computing: Risks and Questions
Adam Bosnian gives readers a run-down on the risk and control aspects that cloud computing poses – and what important questions companies need to ask their cloud service provider….
Adam Bosnian gives readers a run-down on the risk and control aspects that cloud computing poses – and what important questions companies need to ask their cloud service provider….
The Court of Appeal has overruled the Information Tribunal and held that the Police National Computer (PNC) can hold all the data that the police deem necessary….
They are thinking of sending more data protection offenders to jail. Is the extra porridge really a good idea?…
The Ministry of Justice is consulting on proposals for custodial sentences for persons convicted of knowing or reckless misuse of personal data….
An Advocate General’s Opinion in the ‘Bavarian Lager’ case has now been published. It concerns personal data and access to documents. She advises the ECJ to rule against the Commission….
Scott Vine reports on a US case which makes a radical suggestion on the nature of software ownership. It suggests that a shrinkwrap licence may not prevent resale of software a person ‘owns’….
Wim Nauwelaerts & Pauline Le Bousse explain why cloud computing requires a new approach to data privacy and security….
The Council of Europe’s Consultative Committee of the Convention 108 on Data Protection is seeking views on its “Draft Recommendation on the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data in the Framework of Profiling’….
Read More… from Council of Europe Consultation on Online Profiling
Following the recent thorough review of Facebook’s privacy practices by the Canadian Privacy Commissioner and the Article 29 Working Party Opinion affecting social networking providers, the climate has changed. Philip James looks at both developments and considers their implications for privacy policies affecting social networking sites….
Read More… from SNS Privacy Practices: Canada, the EU and Beyond
Lorna Brazell asks profound questions about the nature of identity and privacy. She looks at the forms of legal protection which might be used to protect any right to privacy that exists and looks forward with alarm to a brave new world of increased observation of the actions of the ordinary citizen….