Should ISPs be Compelled to Become Copyright Cops?

Reflecting on file-sharing, the music industry and trends in enforcement, Lilian Edwards looks into the future of copyright enforcement on the Internet. She asks how fundamental freedoms and respect for IP rights can best be reconciled. This article arises from a presentation at the SCL Forum held in September 2008 ‘Legislating for Web 2.0 – Preparing for the Communications Act?’…

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Towards an (Electronic) Communications Act 2011

Jean-Jacques Sahel, writing purely in a personal capacity, considers the approach which should underpin any legislation on electronic communications and argues that the extraordinary nature of the Internet requires a principles-based approach to inform legislation rather than narrow sectoral regulation. This article arises from a presentation at the SCL Forum held in September 2008 ‘Legislating for Web 2.0 – Preparing for the Communications Act?’…

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Behavioural Targeting of Online Advertisements and the Future of Data Protection

Andrea M. Matwyshyn covers the issues surrounding behavioural targeting, such as offered by Neubad in the USA and Phorm in the UK. The requirement for consent in data protection terms and the possible need for international harmonization are among the topics she discusses. This article arises from a presentation at the SCL Forum held in September 2008 ‘Legislating for Web 2.0 – Preparing for the Communications Act?’…

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