Terminating the PA Consulting Contract
Andrew Rigby looks at the likely legal issues surrounding the Government’s decision to terminate its contract with PA Consulting for breach of data security provisions in its contract….
Andrew Rigby looks at the likely legal issues surrounding the Government’s decision to terminate its contract with PA Consulting for breach of data security provisions in its contract….
A document which is highly critical in crucial respects has been adopted by SCL as its response to the Home Office Consultation on transposition of the Data Retention Directive. The response, drafted by the SCL Privacy and Data Protection Interest Group, points out a number of failures and inadequacies in the draft regulations….
Read More… from Data Retention Directive: SCL Response on Transposition
Andrew Katz highlights the lessons that might be learned from the conduct of commerce in Ancient Rome. He identifies the parallels between the role of slaves and the regulation of intelligent agents in the modern world….
Read More… from Intelligent Agents and Internet Commerce in Ancient Rome
Mark Weston considers the many privacy and data protection issues associated with Google’s new Street View project….
The Home Office laid the final version of the Code ‘Data sharing for the Prevention of Fraud’ before Parliament on 6 October….
The Information Commissioner’s Office has found Virgin Media Limited in breach of the Data Protection Act following the loss of an unencrypted CD containing the personal details of over 3,000 customers….
Maggi Healey believes that the standard software development contract no longer reflects development process realities. She advocates the use of new contract forms to reflect agile development processes….
The Home Secretary announced on 10 September that the government has terminated its contract with PA Consulting, following the recent high profile data loss. Read the full Ministerial Statement and the statement issued by PA Consulting….
The Home Secretary announced on 10 September that the government has terminated its contract with PA Consulting, following the recent high profile data loss. In addition, Jacqui Smith announced that all contracts signed by the government with private companies are to be reviewed to ensure that they are appropriate. Andrew Rigby of Brodies considers the legal implications of the termination….
Read More… from Government Review of Data Processing Contracts
In this highly original analysis, Nicholas Bohm and Joel Harrison take a fresh look, from a very different angle, at the issues that arise from Web profiling. Does it infringe Web site owners’ IPR?…
Read More… from Profiling Web Users – Some Intellectual Property Problems