ICO and Facebook reach agreement regarding misuse of data in political campaigns
Facebook agrees to pay £500,000 fine but does not admit liability…
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Facebook agrees to pay £500,000 fine but does not admit liability…
Read More… from ICO and Facebook reach agreement regarding misuse of data in political campaigns
David Chaplin calls for your contributions for the December issue of Computers and Law…
Read More… from From the SCL Editor: Bring Me Your Predictions, Reflections and Resolutions
CAA publishes requirements for drone operators’ licences The CAA has published its requirements for mandatory registration and education of drone operators, which take effect on 30 November 2019, although the online scheme goes live from 5 November. There will be two elements to the online system. Anyone responsible for a drone or unmanned aircraft (including model…
Read More… from In Other News: This week’s Techlaw News Round-Up
The European Commission has published its third report on the Privacy Shield, confirming that it ensures an adequate level of protection for personal data transferred from the EU to participating companies in the US….
Read More… from European Commission publishes 3rd report on the operation of the Privacy Shield
Consultation paper issued in advance of new role as money laundering and counter terrorist supervisor for cryptoasset business in operation from January 2020…
Read More… from FCA consults on fees and registration proposals for cryptoasset business
The ICO has issued a blog post on access, erasure, and rectification rights in AI systems….
Report examines the scope of the law concerning political campaigning and the current regulatory gaps in this area….
A round-up of other techlaw news from the past week not covered separately on the site…
Graham Smith’s Keynote Speech to the SCL Annual Conference 2019 in which he argues that proposed cures for a broken internet risk harming the patient….
David Chaplin picks out what he thinks was the central theme from last week’s sprawling, enthralling SCL Annual Conference…
Read More… from EVENT REPORT: The New Technology Lawyer – The SCL Annual Conference 2019