The advent of seven new top level domains has created an unprecedented dash for registration, as examined here by Jonathan Ebsworth and Giles Bennett….
The advent of seven new top level domains has created an unprecedented dash for registration, as examined here by Jonathan Ebsworth and Giles Bennett….
In February the case of Totalise Plc v Motley Fool Limited went almost without mention. Joanne Ashley describes why she finds this surprising and briefly considers the implications of this case….
This article is an edited version of Susan Singleton’s presentation to the London Group meeting on 30 April….
There are a number of significant omissions in AmandaKearsley’s article The Internet,Paedophilia and the ISP (C&L Vol 12 issue 1; April/May 2001) so that theresult is somewhat unbalanced. 1. Charges involving paedophiliac material are nearly always prosecutedunder the Protection of Children Act 1978, not the Obscene Publications Act uponwhich Ms Kearsley concentrates. This applied in…
Brigitte Zammitt reviews Ian Lloyd’s book, Legal Aspects of the Information Society (Butterworths), and reviews the topics covered in the book….
Neil Cameron explains what e-commerce is and why you need to plan to take account of it….
A basic knowledge management system can be set up just using tools a firm
already has, without having to buy in expensive packages. This article from Kwan
Hon, Banking and Information Lawyer at Sidley & Austin, explains how, using
an applic…
Professional societies are well represented on the Web. Delia Venables applies her uniquely well-qualified eye to assess their contributions….
Amanda Brock looks at the recent Amazon pricing error and asks how businesses can prepare to protect themselves in the event of such situations arising….
Margaret Harvey and Nick Rudgard analyse this recent important case, which
illustrates the reward for careful contractual drafting.