Legal Aspects of Information Security Management

In internet commerce[1] where technology risks such as systems failure or attacks are particularly accentuated and the “risk turnaround time” is much faster, the need to design and develop a proactive and structured legal protection regime has become a corporate imperative. Zaid Hamzah points the way forward in designing and developing a legal risk management system in Internet commerce at both the strategic as well as the operational level that would protect enterprises from legal problems that might flow from information security risks….

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Computers and the Law – New principles or the same principles in a different context?

Professor Ewan McKendrick gave a lecture to the SCL London Group on 22 September covering certain developments in contract law as they affect IT lawyers. This is the edited text of that lecture. SCL is grateful to him, both for granting permission for the text to be made available on the Web site and for the considerable work involved in converting that text into this form. SCL is also grateful to Wordwave for its transcription of the lecture….

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