European Data Protection Board adopts final version of Guidelines on Codes of Conduct at Eleventh Plenary session
The eleventh plenary session of European Data Protection Board concentrated on codes, accreditation and certification….
The eleventh plenary session of European Data Protection Board concentrated on codes, accreditation and certification….
The General Data Protection Regulation has been in force for a year. But data protection law doesn’t stand still. One year on, Martin Sloan rounds-up some of the key, ongoing issues….
Read More… from The GDPR is not standing still: key developments one year on
In the April issue of Computers and Law, Neil Brown questioned the thinking behind the CJEU decision in Buivids. In this response Matthew Holman comes to their rescue and argues that their thinking was right but suggests we need to look for new ways to regulate individuals in today’s content sharing culture….
New Consumer Advocate role announced for telecoms sector The government has announced plans to create a new independent Consumer Advocate with the aims of enhancing consumer protection against unfair practices in the telecommunications sector. Legislation will be introduced to create the role, which will have the power to support consumers. This aims to ensure that they…
Charlie Morgan and Rebecca Read give a brief overview of what artificial intelligence (AI) means, assess how process automation and machine learning is having an impact on dispute resolution and what things might look like in future….
Read More… from Dispute resolution in the era of big data and AI
Report by Technology and Law Public Policy Commission published…
In his monthly column, the Editor thinks data is missing from what currently passes for the Brexit debate….
Read More… from Editor’s Notes: Data – A Black Hole in the Brexit Debate?
The European Commission has published the guidance after Regulation EU 2018/1807 came into force on 28 May 2019….
Read More… from New guidance published on free flow of non-personal data
National Cyber Security Centre publishes design principles for cyber security The National Cyber Security Centre has published design principles for cyber-security. The principles are intended to help ensure that the networks and technologies which underpin modern life are designed and built securely and relate to both digital systems and cyber-physical systems. They are aimed at…
The State Data Protection Inspectorate in Lithuania has imposed an administrative fine of EUR 61,500 for breaches of the GDPR….
Read More… from First significant GDPR fine imposed by Lithuanian DPA