AI and DP
Laurence Eastham offers a guarded welcome to a lengthy discussion paper from the ICO…
Laurence Eastham offers a guarded welcome to a lengthy discussion paper from the ICO…
The CJEU has given judgment in a case where an applicant sought to have information in a companies register held by a Chamber of Commerce anonymised…
Read More… from Company Registers and the ‘Right to be Forgotten’
Pearse Ryan, Colin Rooney and Hugh McCarthy take a careful look at the key features of the European Commission’s draft code of conduct on privacy for mobile health applications…
Read More… from Privacy and mHealth Apps: EU Draft Code of Conduct
Steve Holmes reports on the ‘New Models for Outsourcing’ panel event and presentation held on 2 March 2017 and hosted by Baker McKenzie….
Read More… from SCL Event Report – Outsourcing Group: New Models for Outsourcing
Richard Kemp highlights the rise in risk associated with NPE activity in the cloud computing sphere….
Read More… from Cloud Computing: Software Patent Claims and the Risks to Service Availability
Michael Butterworth reports on a very special event…
Read More… from AI in the Dock: the Trial of Superdebthunterbot
Alex Shattock and Gideon Shirazi weigh the impact of recent Supreme Court judgments on claims relating to implied terms and contemplate their impact in the context of some common tech project scenarios…
Michael Bywell suggests one route to overcoming cognitive delusion, deception and strategic manipulation in technology projects. He suggests that reference class forecasting may provide an answer and considers the legal implications….
Read More… from Reference Class Forecasting and Realistic Tech Contracts
There is an important opportunity to influence future legislation that is being obscured by a controversy over protection for ‘whistle-blowers’…
Read More… from Law Commission Consultation and Data Protection
The Information Commissioner’s Office has begun a consultation exercise on its draft ‘GDPR consent guidance’…