SCL Event Report: Negotiating and Litigation of Technology Contracts – Some Common Challenges

Darren Grayson Chng reports on the initial meeting of SCL Singapore. His article aims to provide a brief overview of the topics discussed, while going a little further into some of the intriguing points raised by the Chair and the panellists which are of universal application….

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CJEU Ruling on Website Storage of IP Addresses

The Court of Justice of the European Union appears to have ruled that the operator of a website may have a legitimate interest in storing certain personal data relating to visitors to that website in order to protect itself against cyberattacks. It considers though that the dynamic internet protocol address of a visitor constitutes personal data, with respect to the operator of the website, if that operator has the legal means allowing it to identify the visitor concerned with additional information about him which is held by the internet access provider…

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Cases Catch-up

This is a selection of cases that have been covered on the SCL website but have not been dealt with elsewhere in this issue or previous issues. Fuller coverage and links to full judgments are available on the SCL website as are reports of a handful of other 2016 cases which we have not found space to cover in print…

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