Digital Economy Bill Published
The full text of the Digital Economy Bill was published on 5 July…
The full text of the Digital Economy Bill was published on 5 July…
Andres Guadamuz returns to blockchain, including an introduction to some basic concepts for those not familiar with the technology, and goes on to cover recent developments, particularly the latest multi-million hacking attacks involving Ethereum’s DAO, which suggests that smart contracts are only as smart as the people drafting them…
This piece from Rebecca Keating was a runner-up in the SCL Student Essay Prize competition. It addressed the following topic (from a range of suggested topics): Analyse the key legal issues which might hinder the so-called “Internet of Things”, and offer comments on how these might be overcome….
This piece from Thomas Foster was a runner-up in the SCL Student Essay Prize competition. It addressed the following topic (from a range of suggested topics): Analyse the key legal issues which might hinder the so-called “Internet of Things”, and offer comments on how these might be overcome….
In the view of Advocate General Szpunar, the lending of electronic books is comparable to the lending of traditional books. It follows that the general regime of the lending right, which provides in particular for fair remuneration for authors under the public lending exception, is applicable….
Read More… from Advocate General’s Opinion on Lending of e-books
David Chaplin reflects his personal reaction to the IFCLA Conference 2016 and reports on the many varied sessions…
Read More… from Fundamentally Giddy: An IFCLA Conference Report
Catherine Erkelens and Thomas Van Gremberghe cover some considerations in the interaction between the use of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) and the new EU General Data Protection Regulation…
Martin von Haller Groenbaek looks at some of the basic issues concerning smart contracts. Martin is one of the speakers at the IFCLA Conference on the topic ‘Virtual Currencies and other Blockchain Environments’…
Read More… from Blockchain 2.0, Smart Contracts and Legal Challenges
John Beardwood and Mark Bowman offer some insights from a Canadian perspective into the impact of the IoT on privacy in an extract from a much longer paper The Internet of Things and Privacy: An Analytic Framework. This extract tackles one of the crucial issues. The full paper may be downloaded as a pdf from the panel opposite. John Beardwood is one of the speakers at the IFCLA Conference 2016….
Read More… from The Internet of Things and Privacy: When Do Privacy Laws Apply?
Chris James gives us a tour of the IoT and highlights the many security threats lurking within it. Chris is one of the speakers at the IFCLA Conference 2016…
Read More… from Cybersecurity Law and the Internet of Things