Predictions 2016: Lilian Edwards
Possibly the last set of predictions for the year, although that’s hard to predict with certainty. If so, we are going out with a bang….
Possibly the last set of predictions for the year, although that’s hard to predict with certainty. If so, we are going out with a bang….
The second set of predictions for today come from Beverley Flynn…
These data protection predictions from ‘Hawktalk’ are ideal for today but are in danger of being overtaken by events – received yesterday and already partly fulfilled…
Our second set of the day…
Another brilliant set of predictions from Chris Dale. He says that his general theme is ‘disclose less, with technology as your sword and proportionality as your shield’ but there is much more than that here, laced with acerbic wit….
Louisa Dixon and Laura Rose take us on a tour through a number of recent cases that have touched upon the use of hyperlinks and the embedding of content and have required the Court of Justice of the European Union to struggle with the copyright implications…
The EU Commission has published a press release that indicates that agreement has been reached…
It’s not just the age of data consent that needs resolving…
A bumper start to the predictions week with a full set from Joanna Goodman…
A bumper set of tech predictions from Joanna Goodman started the day and Graham Hann has another bumper set on emerging technology and the impact on (and of) law to give you more food for thought…