Schrems: Comments and Reaction
Such has been the welter of reaction to the CJEU judgment ‘invalidating Safe Harbour’ that readers may find it useful to have a guide to some of the comments of value…
Such has been the welter of reaction to the CJEU judgment ‘invalidating Safe Harbour’ that readers may find it useful to have a guide to some of the comments of value…
Caroline Thompson asks ‘Can Google just pick and choose which laws apply online?’…
The Insolvency (Protection of Essential Supplies) Order 2015 comes into force on 1 October 2015. Rita Lowe and Helen Coverdale offer a reminder and make some suggestions for suppliers and insolvency practitioners…
The Court of Justice of the European Union has given judgment in a case concerning the reach of data protection supervisors, ruling that one Member State’s supervisor can have jurisdiction on organisations mainly established beyond the border of that State. Lorna Woods reports on the case and explains its implications…
Read More… from Weltimmo Judgment: Data Protection Jurisdiction
The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that persons whose personal data are subject to transfer and processing between two public administrative bodies must be informed in advance…
Read More… from Bara Judgment: Data Exchange between Administrative Bodies Needs Notice
Hans Allnutt, David Bear, and Clare Hughes-Williams survey the increasing exposure of insurers in a burgeoning area for insurers that has seen a recent explosive twist that they may not have taken into account…
Read More… from Rising Tide of Cyber Risks Could Swamp the Insurance Market
The Advocate General has released his Opinion in a case referred to the CJEU which concerned the transfer of the data of European Facebook subscribers to servers located in the United States. If his Opinion is followed by the Court, safe harbour will crumble….
Read More… from Not so Safe Harbour: Advocate General’s Opinion in Schrems
The President of the CNIL has rejected Google’s informal appeal against the formal notice requesting it to apply delisting on all of the search engine’s domain names, including Are the suggestions that the CNIL is seeking world domination justified?…
Following the UsedSoft ruling, Robin Fry asks where we are now…
The latest ICO enforcement notice, arising under the ‘right to be forgotten’, seems like a futile gesture….