Subject-access Requests: Privilege, Proportionality and Propriety
A High Court judgment has rejected a subject-access request served on solicitors…
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A High Court judgment has rejected a subject-access request served on solicitors…
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In another in our series of articles inspired by the recent SCL Technology Law Futures Conference, Rob Buckingham looks at the reality of developments in the UK concerning robotics and autonomous systems, in the context of the coming explosion in the applications of AI…
Are you a service provider dealing with personal data? Be afraid. Be very afraid. Especially (but not only) if you’re an IaaS/PaaS cloud provider. Kuan Hon explains….
Read More… from Open Season on Service Providers? The General Data Protection Regulation Cometh…
Limiting online access to some web sites is terribly complicated, but can we please start by making it a little simpler…
Rosemary Jay identifies areas of complexity and various data protection conundrums arising from UK opt-outs…
Fad, fashion or durable? Sarah Pearce has fashioned an article that looks at the trend towards wearables…
Amandeep Singh, Milan Joshi and Steve Clough explain tokenisation and how it fits into the payment ecosystem…
The Administrative Court has ruled that a local authority’s policy of retaining child protection records for 35 years or more is lawful…
Read More… from Data Retention: 35-year Retention Policy Upheld
‘It’s amazing how they can transmit the internet through the clouds, isn’t it? What jurisdiction are they even in?’ I checked that my friend wasn’t in fact referring to Google’s Loon project or Facebook’s solar-powered drones (where these are pertinent questions[[]]) and then offered to lend him this book: Renzo Marchini’s ‘Cloud Computing: A Practical…
Read More… from Book Review: Cloud Computing: A Practical Introduction to the Legal Issues
Georgina Fraser reports on the meeting on 2 July hosted by Fox Williams LLP…
Read More… from SCL Event Report: International Management of Data Protection