PSD2 Redux – Updated

Simon Deane-Johns updates his review of the revised proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on payment services in the internal market. This version supersedes his article published online in mid-October and a further revision of that article; it takes account of a number of later revisions to the draft….

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Data Protection: The Times They are a Changing, Slowly As I write this, the identity of the new EU Commissioners with responsibility for IT-related matters remains uncertain. But it is pretty clear that Anders Ansip will be the lead for the Digital Market and it has also been made abundantly clear that one priority for…

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SCL Events Reports

For many years the magazine reported on SCL events but these are now found only online. But we worry that many members are missing out on memorable and useful training opportunities. So here are two reports on events from September. Annie Clarke reports on the SCL Big Data Masterclass, Big Data & Digital: competition, consumer protection and other challengesand James Henderson reports on the sixth module in SCL’s Foundation of IT Law, Cloud Computing….

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