SCL Event Report: Big Data Masterclass
Annie Clarke reports on the SCL Big Data Masterclass, Big Data & Digital: competition, consumer protection and other challenges, which took place on 17 September 2014….
Annie Clarke reports on the SCL Big Data Masterclass, Big Data & Digital: competition, consumer protection and other challenges, which took place on 17 September 2014….
Joachim Scherer, Caroline Heinickel and Holger Lutz bring us up to date with a development in Germany that may colour EU-wide legislation…
The Article 29 Working Party has written a series of letters raising data protection concerns relating to tax, financial consumer protection and securities…
Read More… from Article 29 Working Party: Letters to OECD and IOSCO on Financial Matters
Hitesh Chowdhry and Tom Alexander offer some guidance for lawyers on how to budget for e-disclosure costs and what to consider when selecting an e-disclosure provider….
Read More… from E-disclosure: Knowing Value and Knowing Costs
I fear that Apple’s latest privacy policy may cause many problems…
The long-awaited guidance from the Article 29 Working Party on how the Google Spain judgment might best be implemented is still awaited. The most recent meeting has agreed only some mechanisms for producing such guidance….
Read More… from Article 29 Working Party on Google Spain: Latest
James Henderson reports on the sixth module in SCL’s Foundation of IT Law, which took place on 10 September 2014…
Read More… from SCL Event Report: Foundations of IT Law Programme – Module 6: Cloud Computing
David Flint ponders on, and worries about, the Internet of Things and self-driving cars…
In a new judgment, the Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that a Member State may authorise libraries to digitise, without the consent of the rightholders, books they hold in their collection so as to make them available at electronic reading points. Subject to specified conditions, especially the payment of fair compensation to rightholders, such an authorisation may permit users to print out on paper or store on a USB stick the books digitised by the library….
A global survey has found that 85% of mobile apps fail to provide basic privacy information…