‘Big Data’: Here to Stay…. But What is it?
Lillian Pang aims to shine a floodlight on Big Data…
Lillian Pang aims to shine a floodlight on Big Data…
Here is why IT law practitioners really need to attend the SCL Technology Law Futures Forum. It is all about – understanding and influencing the future of technology law…
I worry about coping with ‘future technology’ today…
The Article 29 Working Party has issued a press release reflecting its ‘exchange of views’ on the Google Spain case….
Read More… from Google Spain: Further Article 29 WP Party Comment (and No Comment)
Inspired by the recent call to change eBay passwords, Mark Weston reflects on the remedies available to users, and the absence of real remedies…
Read More… from Pass the Word: What recourse do consumers have when their passwords are compromised?
Chris Mann describes the principal provisions of the new model services contract, highlighting key provisions…
Google has released details of the procedure it will follow in its interpretation of compliance with the Google Spain judgment…
I want more comment and pointers to comment on this seminal judgment…
Read More… from Google Spain: Call for (Short) Contributions
As more business functions and data migrate to the Cloud, Ching Liu and Ramin Tabatabai look at how organisations can ensure that they avoid the data risks it can create…
Read More… from Up in the Cloud: Tackling e-Disclosure and Multi-jurisdictional Challenges
The Information Commissioner’s Office has begun consultation on a revised Code of Practice on CCTV…