The New European Electronic Communications Code
Mike Conradi brings us up to date on developments with the proposed EU Code, highlighting the main features of the new Code…
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Mike Conradi brings us up to date on developments with the proposed EU Code, highlighting the main features of the new Code…
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This entry to the SCL Student Essay Prize earned Viraj Ananth the runner-up spot. It is a challenging and original take on the set question, which concerned the relative importance of law and ISP action in enforcement on the Internet….
Notice of intent and recommendations published in the light of preliminary findings in the Facebook / Cambridge Analytica investigation…
This is the essay which won the SCL Student Essay Prize for 2018 for Alvin Cheung on the set topic ‘Are state legislation and case law, or Internet Service Provider action, more important to the enforcement of rules on Internet users? Discuss with respect to key internet platforms’ Terms of Service and privacy policies.’…
Continuing our series where we ask key figures from the tech law sector to answer five questions, Lorraine Chimbga and Andrew Sharpe make their contribution…
These are brief reports of a number of cases dealt with on the SCL site over the last two months. In many cases, more detailed reports are available online, where links to full judgments are also available….
A brief mention of some recent developments covered more fully on the SCL website or tweeted by SCL…
Professor Lorna Woods brings us up to date on the developments concerning the AVMS Directive…
Read More… from Revision of Audiovisual Media Services Directive – Video-sharing Platforms
The CJEU has ruled that the administrator of a ‘fan page’ is jointly responsible with Facebook for processing the personal data of persons visiting the page on Facebook…
Read More… from Facebook Fan Pages and Widening Responsibility for Data Processing
Richard Susskind, current SCL President, offers a tribute to past president, Sir Henry Brooke CMG PC…